There is a project called Staffs EVEN SAFER! Roads Partnership that is all about actually slowing vehicles down BEFORE they speed to eliminate the need for speeding tickets.
Read about the project by clicking here. (The link will open a new window / tab.)
What is the Staffordshire Safer Roads Partnership?
The Staffordshire Safer Roads Partnership was a scheme setup in 2008 to include a cross-service element to existing road policing systems. As a whole, to prevent speeding. But really, to make money. If they wanted to stop speeding they would simply install average speed cameras when they do a new road 30mph+. Any bus route, any A road or motorway. Could be done easily.
We will use this website to help show why the old system doesn’t work, and to hopefully get people on board who can put forward our arguments in the right and proper way, through the local councillors and elected MP’s.
In the meantime, we have Speed Camera Detectors for sale, we share locations of mobile speed camera vans in Staffordshire. It’s legal, and we actually prevent 100% of our users (21,857 as of December 14th 2024) from speeding by informing them of possible speed camera locations in the morning, then update them with locations shared with us during the day, then we have spotters who then go out to confirm the location and get a picture, and we confirm when they’ve gone too.
Doing that stop all our users vehicles, and the dozen behind them, from speeding in various locations at certain times of the day, stopping hundreds of thousands of cars every day.
WE should be paid for our scheme even as there are grants for this type of thing. Perhaps we should pursue that one day also.
Does the Staffordshire Safer Roads Partnership Work?
Well they send a ticket AFTER the matter, so no. They send people on courses which apparently helps. There’s no evidence it works at all as more people are caught speeding year on year since the 1980’s because there are more cars on the road. So there will always be speeders. And it will always employ thousands and cause fines.
It doesn’t work.
Average speed cameras or go home.